Tag Archives: Brighten Your Child’s Day

Six Ways to Brighten Your Child’s Day

Six Ways to Brighten Your Child’s Day

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”

― Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou’s famous quote is especially relevant for children. Many of our strongest childhood memories relate to how we felt at certain times. Children don’t need expensive clothes or toys – it’s the little gestures of love that they will remember best.

Here are six simple ways to brighten your child’s day and create some of those great memories.

Lunchbox Love

Slipping a note in your child’s lunchbox is a great way to show them you’re thinking about them while they’re at school or nursery. It doesn’t have to be a long note – just a few words to say you love them and are proud of them.

For pre-school children, you could just leave a bright picture with a few words in their lunchbox or book bag. Even if they don’t understand the words, they will feel the love from your gesture.

Make a vision board

To motivate and inspire your child, you could help them create a vision board full of positive messages and images to hang in their bedroom. All you need is a stack of magazines, a large piece of card to stick them on, scissors and glue.

This is a fantastic way to help your child lay out their goals and dreams while encouraging him or her to pursue them.  Look through the magazines with your child and cut out any pictures and words that inspire them. You can also include pictures of the people and places they love. Talk about their hope and dreams and add them to the board in words, pictures and drawings.

Once you’ve finished, place the board in a prominent place where they can see it daily.

Bake together

Create long lasting, happy memories for your child by baking some yummy treats together. Not only is baking cakes, biscuits and other goodies a lovely way to spend quality time together, it also helps your child learn various different maths and science skills.

Make a treasure hunt

Treasure hunts are a brilliant way to keep children entertained, especially when it’s raining outside.

All you need to do is find a small box and fill it with treats, small toys and other ‘treasure’. Once you’ve hidden the box, place clues around the house. The treasure hunt can last for as long as you want it to and your kids are guaranteed to have a lot of fun with it. They’ll never forget the excitement and anticipation of finding their treasure.

Make a pass-the-parcel

Pass-the-parcel doesn’t have to just be a birthday party game. Make it even more special by asking each player to write something nice about the other players.  You can wrap the notes between the layers, so everyone gets to unwrap and read out at least one nice statement about another player.

Ask your child to do something kind for someone else

Whether it be helping a neighbour or sending a card to a friend, ask your child to think of something kind they can do for another person. Acts of kindness not only benefit the recipient – they will make your child feel good about themselves too.